Live Theatre Miss Victoria Chappell v.chappell@roncalli.school.nz
Students devise and direct performances throughout the year through Drama courses and also have the opportunity to attend professional performances and participate in workshops.

Ukulele Orchestra Ms Nikki Hall n.hall@roncalli.school.nz
Just like a larger orchestra they often play different parts and move well beyond the basic ukulele strum, rehearsals Friday lunchtimes in the Music block.

Rock Bands Ms Nikki Hall n.hall@roncalli.school.nz
Students establish and rehearse in ensembles to perform for local events and in Smokefree Rockquest. Senior music students are keen to mentor our junior rock bands

Audio Visual (AV) Mr Mark Pribis m.pribis@roncalli.school.nz
Join a dedicated team of students who run lighting consoles, mixing desks, and set up and run the technical support for events daily at the College.

Itinerant and Private instrumental lessons Ms Nikki Hall n.hall@roncalli.school.nz
Weekly twenty minute individual and group lessons delivered by instrument specialists and open to all students. See Miss Hall in the Music Block for more information. There are some college instruments available for hire.